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ICT & Cloud Service


When it comes to critical infrastructure choices, BlueDot has years of mature vertical representation in the areas of On-prem Solution

Continuous demand for server processing services constantly encourages the architecture of the data center to be a key factor in achieving digital application objectives. Bluedot is focused to design and deliver datacenters with high Security and reliability as the top priority. Our design is based on ANSI/TIA-942 compliance from Tier 1 to Tier 4 datacenters.

Components of our Datacenter Design & Delivery

Enterprise Computing

Servers & Storage

Today’s demanding businesses, cost-cutting and service outages are critical to the competitiveness of the enterprise. HA solutions and Server Restructuring in a wide variety of IT environments allow companies to address these obstacles. Data revolution, expanded use of flash and hybrid arrays, and more commercial, public and hybrid cloud storage solutions than ever before, there is a lot of intelligence in enterprise storage.

Our tailored solutions to meet the your data challenges for NAS, SAN, DAS and hybrid options. A simple application data storage to hybrid virtual storage solutions, our team of experts work closely with vendor agnostic solution for your business.

Virtualization & DR

Virtualization can boost the company in a variety of ways by increasing IT efficiency, stability and scalability, as well as helping you minimize costs. Our partnership and expertise in VMware, Hyper-V virtualization will guarantee optimal design, high availability, resource utilization and automated control of software and hardware among other features. Tailor made is our availability zone within the datacenter or geo-redundancy over virtualization creating a dynamic high-availability environment for all your critical applications.

Backup Solution & Business continuity

A good and efficient backup plan is vital to the operation of all companies. Data loss caused by any amount of hardware failure problems, malware, human error, will seriously harm the company, often to the point of no return. We give expert advice on how to and what to incorporate in your backup rota. A Strategic backup plan, redundant servers, redundant storage solution is the key to business continuity.

Cloud Solution

The New Era of modern computing is “Cloud Computing”. Enterprise ready technology for Everyone , Anytime, Anywhere delivered within no time!

Bluedot has organically transformed its major business portfolio into Cloud solutions. Our strong foundation with a decade of experience in Infrastructure business has given us easy adaptation into cloud computing solutions and delivering the solutions for your demanding application and services. Our engineers are certified , trained and continuously adapting to the fast changing digital solutions over the cloud!

Cloud Compute

Changing to the cloud will lower the costs of IT systems administration and servicing. We will provision and customize virtual server, storage, and resources for your needs through cloud computing. At any given time, resources can be increased or decreased as needed and even set to auto scalable on demand. A professionally operated service that helps our customers to minimize or entirely eliminate the amount of costly on-site IT staff.

Cloud DR

DRaaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service) is a cloud service that incorporates conventional DR techniques to allow businesses cost savings and to create better protection and stability as a result of disaster. It is important to duplicate the data and transfer it off-site into the cloud in the face of human error, cyber threats and natural disasters.

Bring back your entire infrastructure to Live within minutes of any critical event! Best designed modern DRaaS delivers benefits of – a. Moving from Opex to Capex model b. Failover Testing c. Protection from disasters d. Low latency

Hybrid DR is an extension of on-prem infrastructure to cloud. All resources are consumed locally and fallback to Cloud for any disaster event. This has been the initial step towards 100% migration to cloud environments.

Cloud DevOps

Cloud DevOps combines cultural philosophies, practices and tools which enhance the capacity of an organization to deliver high-speed applications and services: product developments and improvements at greater speed than organizations that use traditional software and infrastructure processes. This speed allows companies to serve their clients better and compete better in the market.

Create, run and maintain cloud-based applications with new methods such as serverless, microservice and containers. Build modern applications without the fear of vendor lock-in. Complete cycle from code, build , deploy, app virtualization and real-time status a complete CI/CD pipeline. Extendable end-to-end cloud application tools with Speed, Rapid delivery, reliability, scalability, collaboration and uncompromised security.

Cloud Containers

Containers are an abstraction at the app layer that packages code and dependencies together. Package your Software into Standardized Units for Development, Shipment and Deployment. Built your modern day apps and ship them in containers.

Our registry solution is your single place for your team to manage container images, perform vulnerability analysis, and decide who can access what with fine-grained access control. Existing CI/CD integrations let you set up fully automated container pipelines to get fast feedback. Our industry standard containerization tool for our customers is Docker.


Run your all application containers with our cloud container orchestration tools for automating application deployment, scaling, and management. Use our open source orchestration tool like Kubernetes on cloud service for enterprise-ready containerized solutions with prebuilt deployment templates, featuring portability, auto-scalability of pods and clusters, enhanced workload security.


In IoT solutions, various parts of IoT including security, devices, networks, sensors and platforms can be managed. Sensors provide devices with intelligent functionality. IoT devices currently have multiple data collection and analysis sensors.

Many companies are now using chip system (SoC) solutions for improved integration. In order to prevent attacks, IoT devices and networks come with security measures. The IoT platform provides a safe, flexible and efficient IoT base which extends to data, connectivity and devices.

The implementation of artificial intelligence and cognitive computing promotes a new generation of applications which can understand themselves to be human and develop more skills with an endless ability to learn themselves. These new applications can understand the underlying contexts and offer assumptions, recommendations and start-up operations automatically.

Your Business with our Trending Solution

Artificial intelligence combined with the Internet of Things is the emerging combination start of the art technology – the Artificial Intelligence of Things

Automation and Robotics

Robotics process automation is a form of technology based on metaphorical robots or artificial intelligence/digital personnel for the automation of business processes. With the integration of AI capabilities of Automation convergence technologies, a way that not only augments work, but replaces work digitally.

By automating not only routine tasks but also end-to-end business operations, we will increase employee productivity. We offer IPA solutions that speed up productivity by combining robotic process automation with machine learning and technologies to create smart operations.